Monday, February 14, 2011
Friday, February 19, 2010
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Ahhh Palm...Your Ship Has Sailed.
I used to love my Palm pilot. Now I pray for an iPhone. I used to hope that Palm had half a chance of competing with anyone anymore...but I guess that ship has sailed.
Even a few days ago I still felt a glimmer of hope that perhaps, some how some way Palm would get its act together and offer something that would work flawlessly and offer me the features that I actually wanted at a reasonable price point...but then i walked into Best Buy and saw the Palm display shoved into the corner next to the laser discs and the slide rules.
Oh Palm how I weep for you!
Even a few days ago I still felt a glimmer of hope that perhaps, some how some way Palm would get its act together and offer something that would work flawlessly and offer me the features that I actually wanted at a reasonable price point...but then i walked into Best Buy and saw the Palm display shoved into the corner next to the laser discs and the slide rules.
Oh Palm how I weep for you!
Monday, April 16, 2007
This is a Call to Arms!
Earlier this evening as I was watching 24 and enjoying a well earned glass of absinthe; I happened to run across and interesting post on my friend Sam's blog. It just so happens that this post was directed towards me and the other fallen bloggers.

So, I sprang into action and resurrected my long neglected blog. So in a nutshell, here is what I have been up to in my absence.
I now am the proud owner of a Macbook and I love it! I am also the owner of a kitten named Gribble, and I love him too. The Macbook has given me no trouble whatsoever and is a dream to own...the Kitty, causes lots of trouble (especially when typing, the cat simply has to sit on the key board). I never realized how many things I owned that could be knocked over until I got a kitten. Interestingly enough, I never knew how many things I owned that I did not want to have knocked over until I got Gribble.

Colleen, my fiance, is in London England with her best friend Stacy. You will note that I am not in London doing British things....but I am not bitter because yesterday I got to go to Morton's with Stacy's fiance Jarrett.

For those of you who don't know Morton's is perhaps the greatest place on the face of God's green earth. Everything seems to taste better there, even the water. I had a steak that was two inches thick, cooked to a level of perfection that I never knew was possible...but I will demand that level of quality in the future. I ate asparagus that was as big as Henry Rollins' forearm. And the service...the waitress knew what I wanted before I did, yessiree its gonna be hard going back to the Denny's after experiencing this little slice of heaven. Sure the meal cost as much as a plane ticket to Europe...ohhh but the steak!

So, I sprang into action and resurrected my long neglected blog. So in a nutshell, here is what I have been up to in my absence.
I now am the proud owner of a Macbook and I love it! I am also the owner of a kitten named Gribble, and I love him too. The Macbook has given me no trouble whatsoever and is a dream to own...the Kitty, causes lots of trouble (especially when typing, the cat simply has to sit on the key board). I never realized how many things I owned that could be knocked over until I got a kitten. Interestingly enough, I never knew how many things I owned that I did not want to have knocked over until I got Gribble.

Colleen, my fiance, is in London England with her best friend Stacy. You will note that I am not in London doing British things....but I am not bitter because yesterday I got to go to Morton's with Stacy's fiance Jarrett.

For those of you who don't know Morton's is perhaps the greatest place on the face of God's green earth. Everything seems to taste better there, even the water. I had a steak that was two inches thick, cooked to a level of perfection that I never knew was possible...but I will demand that level of quality in the future. I ate asparagus that was as big as Henry Rollins' forearm. And the service...the waitress knew what I wanted before I did, yessiree its gonna be hard going back to the Denny's after experiencing this little slice of heaven. Sure the meal cost as much as a plane ticket to Europe...ohhh but the steak!

Labels: blog-signal mortons london
Monday, January 29, 2007
Which Science Fiction Writer am I?
I am:William GibsonThe chief instigator of the "cyberpunk" wave of the 1980s, his razzle-dazzle futuristic intrigues were, for a while, the most imitated work in science fiction. |
I have to say, this is not who I expected to be...but I am thrilled. I love Gibson, and I was even thinking about writing my Capstone paper on cyberpunk...but then I realized that it would require me to figure out all of that post modernism nonsense. So which author are you?