I was driving my girlfriend home and listening to
20 Years of Dischord, when I inadvertently drove across the centerline while reading the track-listing on the back of the box. As I pulled the car back into the proper lane Colleen exclaimed; "I am not going to die for Dischord!" The funny thing is that my immediate reaction was "I would."
Dischord is my favorite record label for more reasons then I could ever list; but the biggest reasons would have to be integrity. The people who formed this label, the bands that are part of it and the records that they have released are the embodiment of unflagging quality, and an unwavering dedication to the
DIY principals that made punk great.
I remember the first time I heard a Dischord band; I had just graduated from High School and it was early summer and I was driving home from the dentist's office. All the windows in my Delta 88 were rolled down and the radio was tuned to 89.3 WAMH, Amherst College's radio station. Every Friday around 3pm there was a student who ran an excellent history of punk show and I always tried to listen, if I wasn't near a radio I would make my brother tape it for me. That afternoon was the first time I had ever heard a
Minor Threat song and it blew my mind. The song was Minor Threat and the minute the first notes hit my ears my hand went for the volume knob and I turned it all the way up. I was impressed by the honesty, the intensity and the potential of the song. I instantly identified with it and the more I looked into the band and other bands on Dischord the more I liked what I saw.
This is the music that I wanted to be a part of, not for fame not for money but because it seemed like here was a group of friends who were making great music and having a blast. They achieved their dream and they did it themselves without ever selling out or compromising.
The best part is that they are still doing it today. These songs always make me feel hopeful that it is still possible to achieve my dreams no matter how impossible it seems, so long as I am willing to work my ass off.
Dischord is not just a record label it functions as a shepard for the D.C. Hardcore scene simultaneously preserving the past and helping to create the future. This is why the label is so successful...it has never been allowed to become stagnant. I could go on and on singing the praises of the music and what it means but I think this
article sums up the entire situation quite eloquently.
So if I haven't convinced you to die for Dischord perhaps I can convince you to swing by the
website and place an order for 20 Years of Dischord. It is worth every penny.